DUI Lawyers Peoria IL

Facing DUI Charges? Find DUI Lawyers for Peoria IL

A man being given a sobriety test after being pulled over, soon to need DUI Lawyers in Peoria IL

Everyone makes mistakes. However, you shouldn’t let those mistakes ruin your life. And if you face DUI charges without legal representation, don’t expect a favorable outcome. If you need a defense team who has experience handling cases like your own, you need DUI lawyers for Peoria IL. Give Stephens Fiddes McGill & Associates, P.C. a call, and we’ll help you manage your DUI case.

Why You Need an Attorney

A DUI is no “simple” traffic violation. DUI charges come with some steep fines and severe consequences. And whether you’re guilty of the DUI or not, you still need someone to advocate for your side.

  • Avoid Worse Outcomes – Like previously said, a DUI can result in some extreme penalties. First convictions can cost you up to $2,500 and a year in prison, at minimum. And for repeat offenders, it only gets worse. However, if you have an attorney helping you, we can negotiate for less severe punishments.
  • Retain Your Ability to Drive – Depending on the severity of your DUI charge, there might be no stopping your license from being revoked. However, in some cases, our attorneys can help you keep your license or have it returned sooner. Additionally, we help you avoid penalties like ignition interlocks or high-risk insurance premiums.
  • Prove Your Innocence – If you believe you are innocent of your DUI charge or have reason to question the methods used in your arrest, our attorneys will get to the bottom of your case. Police officers can make mistakes, too, and you shouldn’t let their mistakes put a permanent mark on your record.

Additional Legal Assistance

If you don’t require representation from DUI lawyers for Peoria IL, no sweat! Stephens Fiddes McGill & Associates employs a team of attorneys well versed in additional areas of law. We use our years of trial experience to make the best case possible and deliver the results you deserve. Our other practice areas include:

DUI Lawyers in Peoria IL studying traffic law for their next case

Speak with Our Team

Don’t take on your DUI case alone. Be sure to find appropriate representation for your case with the help of Stephens Fiddes McGill & Associates, P.C. and our DUI lawyers for Peoria IL. Call us today at 309-637-5297 to request a free case evaluation. Also, we are located at 456 Fulton St, Ste 222, Peoria, IL 61602.