We’re Here To Answer Your Questions About Child Support
When a couple with children separates, or when two people have a child outside a continuing relationship, the question of child support arises. A good family attorney can offer advice and guide you through the system. If you reside in the greater Peoria area and are looking for legal help regarding the financial support of a minor child, contact Stephens Fiddes McGill & Associates, P.C., at 309-637-5297.

What Support Guidance Can A Family Law Attorney Provide?
There are many situations in which an attorney can help. Some of the situations in which you may require a family law attorney to help you with questions of setting up support for a child include:
- A married couple is divorcing, and there’s a question of determining custody and support for one or more children.
- A woman has become pregnant outside a marriage or civil union and is seeking support from the child’s father.
- A man has been informed he has allegedly fathered a child and is seeking proof of paternity.
- Any other case in which one parent is seeking financial support for a child from the other parent.
What If I’m A Man Who Questions Whether I’m The Father?
If the child was conceived during a marriage or civil union, paternity is assumed. Otherwise, paternity testing can be voluntary or may be compelled by the court. Genetic testing requires only a cheek swab of the mother, presumed father and child.
If I Seek Support For My Child, Do I Have To Reveal My Financial Information?
Yes. For the court to make a ruling, both parties will need to provide full financial disclosures about all forms of income and complete household expenses.

Does The State Set Guidelines For These Cases?
Yes. Within those guidelines, however, there can be many questions, and every situation is different. Your best bet is to contact an attorney experienced in navigating the Illinois family law, especially in regards to support for minor children.
Do You Want To Speak To A Family Attorney About Financial Support Of A Minor Child?
If you’re in the greater Peoria area and are looking for legal help on a child support case, contact Stephens Fiddes McGill & Associates, P.C. at 309-637-5297.