Motorcycle Accident Attorney Peoria IL

Trust Our Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Peoria IL

A crashed motorcycle next to broken glass, where the owner will need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Peoria IL

Motorcycle accidents are some of the worst types of roadway accidents because of the high speeds involved and lack of protection for drivers. The chance for traumatic injury and death is higher than with car accidents, for example. Motorcycle riders are 25 times more likely to die in a motor vehicle crash and five times more likely to get injured than passenger car occupants says the NHTSA. Recovery can be long, painful and stressful for those who have suffered grave injuries. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else, it will be imperative to secure the services of a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer. That’s where we come in. Call Stephens Fiddes McGill & Associates, P.C. as your trusted local resource when you need a motorcycle accident attorney in Peoria IL.

We specialize in personal injury law here at Stephens Fiddes McGill & Associates, P.C. Under the personal injury umbrella, we handle the following:

A motorcycle after hitting a car, where the owner will soon need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Peoria IL

You can trust us, as we have been doing this for more than 25 years, and are a compassionate law firm dedicated to putting our clients first.

Why You Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Here are the reasons why it’s beneficial to hire a motorcycle accident attorney in Peoria IL. They:

  1. Know the Law: Your lawyer understands how to work with the law so they can handle your case in the most expeditious manner possible.
  2. Give you Time to Heal: You can’t recover from your injuries when fighting for your rights and stressing over your case. Let your lawyer take care of the details for you so you can rest.
  3. Can Get You a Bigger Settlement: Hiring an attorney strengthens your case because they have a better chance of getting a more significant settlement so you can pay for things such as lost wages and medical bills.
  4. Communicate with Insurance Companies: Dealing with insurance companies is not something you want to hassle with. Your motorcycle accident lawyer will communicate with them on your behalf.
  5. Do the Work for You: Your lawyer will determine who is responsible for the accident, gather evidence to back up your case, and prepare all you need to go to trial. This takes the burden of worry off your shoulder because you have a lawyer who is looking out for your best interests. Don’t go it alone! Hire an experienced motorcycle accident attorney in Peoria IL.

Contact Stephens Fiddes McGill & Associates

To get a free case evaluation, call our motorcycle accident attorney in Peoria IL at 309-637-LAWS or email us at Also, we are located at 456 Fulton, Ste 222, Peoria, IL 61602.