Social Security Disability Lawyer East Peoria IL

Help from a Social Security Disability Lawyer in East Peoria IL


A social security disability claim form provided by a Social Security Disability Lawyer in East Peoria IL

Filing for Social Security Disability (SSD) can be a long and strenuous process, often resulting in rejection. The Social Security Administration is notorious for rejecting people for SSD based on incredibly stringent requirements. However, with a little assistance from a Social Security Disability lawyer in East Peoria IL, you’ll be on your way to getting the coverage you deserve. And no one has more experience with SSD than the professionals at Stephens Fiddes McGill and Associates, P.C.

When you hire the attorneys of Stephens Fiddes McGill and Associates, P.C., we dive right into your case. By working to understand your impairments, completing the proper documentation and preparing your testimony, we can turn any SSD case around. Whether applying for the first time or resubmitting your application, we can assist you throughout the process.

Qualifying for SSD

Before you apply for SSD, you need to understand what can qualify you to receive it. If you don’t meet current qualifications, no matter what an attorney does, you won’t be able to get SSD. To help determine whether you qualify or not, here’s what insurance companies use to figure eligibility:

Work Credits

The first thing the Social Security Administration will examine is how old you are and compare it to the amount of time you’ve been working. This portion can be slightly challenging to work out without assistance. Plainly, the younger you are before becoming disabled, the less amount of credits you need for time working. Additionally, you must be older than 21 but younger than 65.


Next, the Social Security Administration will determine the severity of your disability. They will consider whether you cannot work the same job you once did, if you cannot perform other forms of work with your disability and the length your disability is expected to last. Some disabilities that qualify for coverage include:

  • Mental Disorders
  • Respiratory Illnesses
  • Musculoskeletal Problems
  • Skin Disorders
  • Cancer
  • And More

If your disabilities relate to any of these illnesses, problems or disorders and make you meet the above qualifiers, consideration for SSD is in order.

Other Situations

There are different ways to qualify for SSD. For example, families can collect benefits for children with disabilities if the parent is deceased, retired or also disabled. Additionally, individual family members, such as spouses, ex-spouses or children, may receive disability benefits on your record. And if your disability was a result of service in the military, another set of qualifiers opens to you when applying for SSD.

An Attorney for More

Even if you don’t require a social security disability lawyer in East Peoria IL, Stephens Fiddes McGill and Associates, P.C. can assist with other legal matters. We are well versed in multiple areas of the law, and can represent your cases and claims involving:

A happy father in a wheelchair with daughter, after receiving assistance from a Social Security Disability Lawyer in East Peoria IL

Give Us a Call

Applying for SSD can be a daunting task, but with the help of the right social security disability lawyer in East Peoria IL, you can be confident in your application. Call the attorneys of Stephens Fiddes McGill and Associates, P.C. today for a free consultation. You can contact us at 309-637-5297. Also, we are located at 456 Fulton, Ste 222, Peoria, IL 61602.